enough rest.
The demands and distractions of modern life have whittled away at the time people spend sleeping. But sleep is essential to good health. Studies show that during sleep our body and brain repair themselves, benefiting memory and mood.
Sleep reinforces the immune system and reduces
our risk of infection, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, cancer, obesity,
depression, and perhaps even Alzheimer’s disease. Rather than artificially
bypassing sleepiness—our natural “safety device”—with sweets, caffeine, or
other stimulants, we should heed it and simply get some sleep. Most adults need
seven to eight hours of sleep every night to look, feel, and perform their
best. Young people need more. Sleep-deprived teens are more prone to have
psychological troubles and to fall asleep when driving.
Sleep is especially important when we are sick.
Our body can overcome some illnesses, such as a cold, if we simply get extra
sleep and drink plenty of fluids.
2.Take care of your teeth.
Brushing your teeth and flossing them after meals, and especially before going to bed, will help ward off tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss. Without our own teeth, we may not benefit fully from the food we eat
It is reported that elephants do not die of old age but that they slowly starve to death after their teeth wear down and they can no longer chew properly. Children who have been taught to brush and floss their teeth after eating will enjoy better health in youth and throughout life.
3. Go to the doctor.
Some ailments call for professional medical attention. Early diagnosis usually results in a better outcome and less expense. So if you do not feel well, get help to find and eliminate the cause, instead of merely seeking to relieve the symptoms.